State of OUR Union: Vice President Lucas Hill

The BUSA Bulletin
5 min readJul 15, 2021

Interview Date: July 13th, 2021

Publishing Date: July 15th, 2021

Developed by: Nathaniel Preston

Nathaniel: Greetings, I’m your host Nathaniel Preston and today I’m sitting down with former United States Representative, White House Chief of Staff, and Secretary of Homeland Security. But the current 4th Vice President of the United States of America; Mr. Lucas Hill. Vice President Hill, how are you today?

Vice President Hill: Spectacular, how about yourself?

Nathaniel: I’m wonderful as well. It’s a lot to discuss with you today. First I want to start with; how did it feel being nominated for the position of Vice President?

Vice President Hill: At first, I was shocked that the President nominated me for this prestigious position. My nomination did bring some thoughts to my head, like how my past work had been acknowledged. However, I was astounded knowing that Congress confirmed me as the 4th Vice President of the United States.

Nathaniel: Wonderful! That brings me to my next question. Being that you and President Trump have differing political views and affiliations; is it hard for you two to come to a compromise on such major issues we’re facing in America, like foreign policy, immigration, border security, and/or individual rights?

Vice President Hill: As an American, I understand and support the Presidents decision in terms of individual rights. Although, I would only support foreign policy if it was with professional countries, and unfortunately, there are currently no professional country’s in the community which meet BUSA’s standards. Furthermore, as many know, the President signed an Executive Order which relates to border security. In some ways, I support his EO, protecting American citizens from what dangerous acts they may face, but America doesn’t have the tagline “The American Dream” for no reason. It has that tagline because people want to live the American dream.

Nathaniel: Of course, like you’ve mentioned. We’re facing a big crisis at our border along with a problem in Washington where Congress and President Trump aren’t quite seeing eye to eye on a solution to solve this crisis at the border. How do you think we should solve the problem while still standing United?

Vice President Hill: Well, as the Vice President and President of the Senate, I personally believe that as simple as it is, having a meeting can solve many things. Speaking face to face really gives a glimpse from the other persons perspective, and the White House has already planned a Congressional Leadership meeting in regards to the Executive Order.

Nathaniel: Wonderful. That’s very similar to what Senator Scott mentioned. Having a face to face meeting to come to a settlement where all parties are satisfied. Okay, moving on. Hypothetically. If a compromise isn’t reached at the meeting and President Trump goes through with the government shutdown; how do you think it’ll affect our country and nation as a whole?

Vice President Hill: If a compromise isn’t reached, a government shutdown will result in many workers being laid-off, which’ll result in a huge hit to our economy. I’m sure that those two words, “Government shutdown” already cause a fear in American peoples eyes, and it hasn’t even started, nor may it even happen.

Nathaniel: Wonderful. In more past times, the “once was” Department of State took a lot of heat from different politicians and citizens for their ideals and belief on foreign policy and relations. Do you think foreign policy advances the country or hinders us from doing the best for our country, if so why?

Vice President Hill: I believe that foreign policy did not advance the country from doing its best. BUSA is a professional roleplay, with high standards and realism. May we be independent or not, Congress, the Executive, and the Judicial Branch continuously strive to make BUSA the best it can be; with foreign policy and relations or not. Although, due to that we had to put a stop to summits etcetera and fortunately it has given us [BUSA] more time for our government to work together, and improve BUSA progressively.

Nathaniel: So, let me ask you this. Do you ever see the Department of State or foreign relations coming back to BUSA, under the assumption of a professional country?

Vice President Hill: I do not see the Department of State nor foreign relations coming back to BUSA due to the amount of citizens and government members who oppose the idea, whether there’s a professional country or not.

Nathaniel: Interesting. Vice President Hill, you previously served in Congress for some time as a Representative for California’s 12th Congressional District and recently Senator Walker of Illinois established the Congressional Progressive Caucus. What are your opinions on the new caucus and if you were still in Congress, would you join the caucus?

Vice President Hill: As a member of the Democratic National Committee, I personally welcome the Congressional Progressive Caucus with open arms. Its values and ideologies will give a new taste of legislation and voting. I would consider joining the caucus, but as I am not in Congress, and don’t see it working behind the scenes, I am not 100% sure right now.

Nathaniel: If you don’t mind me asking, why don’t you see it working behind the scenes?

Vice President Hill: I do not see it working behind the scenes as for one, Senator Walker has not proposed any legislation since starting the caucus — that I know of — no other Congresswomen and men have joined the caucus, and I do not have access to the Senator channels, other than communications between both branches, and public channels.

Nathaniel: Ah, I see what you’re saying. As we come to a close, is there anything we could look forward to from you in the near future?

Vice President Hill: Yes, there is! Number One Observatory Circle’s construction is going well, and I’d like to commend and thank Senator Moore for his above and beyond assistance in the construction. He is currently heading the construction, and it is looking spectacular. When I soon enough resign as Vice President of the United States, I plan to start and announce the Lucas Hill Library, commemorating citizens, my past in the community, and my work that I’ve contributed. I’d also like to take this moment to speak about the Commerce and Treasury Task Force, which is soon to be announced in the coming days.

Nathaniel: That is wonderful. I look forward to being one of the first guest in the Number One Observatory Circle. *laughs* I just want to say thank you so much for allowing me to interview you today. It has been a pleasure to sit and talk with you today. Thank you.

Vice President Hill: Thank you for interviewing me, it was an honor.

Nathaniel: Thank you all for reading.

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